Key elements of Pickleball: Standard equipment

Key elements of Pickleball: Standard equipment

Pickleball, a fast-growing sport, requires specific equipment that plays an essential role in its success.
Here’s a detailed overview of the main equipment used in this dynamic game:

Le Filet

At the heart of pickleball is the net, measuring 6.70 meters in length.
It rises to a height of 86 cm at the center and 91 cm at the side lines.
Tolerances are accepted, with ± 0.5 cm for the heights and ± 1 cm for the overall length of the net.
The net is designed with meshes that prevent the ball from passing through.
A cable with a maximum diameter of 1 cm suspends it, attached to the ends of two side posts spaced 6.70 meters apart.
The posts must have a diameter of 7.62 cm and enable the net to be held taut in a uniform manner.
A white band 5.08 cm wide at the top ensures optimum visibility of the net.
For permanent installations, the use of a central strap is recommended for precise net adjustment.

The Ball

Pickleball balls have precise specifications.
They must have a diameter between 7.29 cm and 7.54 cm, with a variation of ± 0.51 mm.
The weight of the ball must be between 22.1 grams and 26.5 grams.
Each ball should have between 26 and 40 circular holes to ensure optimum aerodynamics.

La Raquette

The rackets used in pickleball also comply with strict standards.
Their total combined length must not exceed 60.96 cm, with a maximum length of the hitting face of 43.18 cm.
There are no restrictions on racket thickness.
However, detailed specifications on surface roughness and advertising are available on request in the technical specifications.

This equipment, subject to rigorous standards, guarantees a fair and optimal playing experience for all pickleball players.
They are essential for maintaining the quality and integrity of the game, whatever the level of competition.
For any permanent installation or adjustment, it is advisable to comply with international specifications and regularly check the conformity of the equipment used.