The dimension of a pickleball court

The dimension of a pickleball court

A pickleball court comprises the playing court itself, known as the “playing area”, as well as the surrounding clearance and set-back zones. For the competition, the minimum dimensions required for a pickleball court are 18 meters long and 9 meters wide, giving a total surface area of 162 square meters. The court itself is laid out in the center of this rectangle and measures 6.10 meters wide by 13.41 meters long. There must be a minimum set-back space of 2.295 meters behind each baseline, and a clearance space of 1.45 meters on the sides (see diagram above). These measurements exclude any fixed elements (such as lighting masts, fences or fixed structures).

Playing lines are an integral part of the pickleball court.

Pickleball court dimensions for singles and doubles:
The playing area is a rectangle 6.10 meters wide and 13.41 meters long, divided down the middle by a net. A line 2.13 meters on either side of the net marks the non-volley zone. Another line divides the service area into two parts, between the non-volley line and the baseline. All court lines are 5.08 cm wide.

The permitted tolerances on the dimensions of the pickleball court are ±1 cm for the length and ±0.5 cm for the width.